The Development (And unused stuff) Of Repressed Memories!

Hi! Coffee Bat here! After the reception Repressed Memories has had (Over 300 views in just  a few days, Whoo!) I've decided to make a little post about the development of the game, even if it was 2 weeks late to Charlmes's I Cant Write Jam.

The game's original idea actually dates way before Sikork (The game's writer and my honey <3) Joined the project, I updated One of my Game maker studio engines (The PJPlatformer Engine 2) And made a demo of a player on a bedroom, showing off things like dust particles, squishy player sprites, textboxes and etc, my original idea was to make a short, 15/10 minute game about the player dealing with the loss of his couple (Keep that for later) and having to deal with nightmares about it in the form of platformer levels in a Celeste-like experience, this demo was sadly left on the dust after a few weeks due to personal problems.

Fortunately, when Sikork joined the project and the Theme (Lost) was announced i pitched my idea to him, i still have my original pitch text from the first conceptual session:


Title(WIP): Lost?

The player is mentally lost, confused, not knowing what happened and what he is doing.


Main objectives:
understand what happened to the player(like a reverse story kinda thing) where you learn what happened by the player's reactions and interactions

rpg maker mv assets until we settle on an artstyle (like gameboy style, spectrum, 16bit, etc...)

-the player's bedroom(so it kinda resembles the stay-at-home thing from now)
-The player's dreams (which would be accessible after the player interacts with something that triggers him on his bedroom)


After a while of brainstorming and back and forward between me and Sikork (Which included ideas like a medieval style with a bad guy, a different artstyle between dreams and reality between others), we settled on the concept, the player having to go through 3 dreams (Which were later extended to 7 and half) to slowly find out what happened to his girlfriend.

Music was originally gonna be done by me on the Sega Genesis module for Deflemask (one of the best chiptune programs out there) but soon enough i ran out of ideas, most tracks i originally made were based off some of my Gameboy module demos, some of this went unused but were left on the game's files on porpuse (Like every other unused file), So i got help from Super Jet Spade and he made most of the long (and good) tunes you can hear in the game, i would be glad to upload all the unused tunes i composed for the game in my soundlocud if there is interest!

After most of the game was done, we debugged, cleared and cleaned it up as much as we could, I still most builds of the game and i can say that debugging the room teleports was a total pain!

Finally, we exported the game to all systems we could (even if the android port took a week more of work) And uploaded the game! It was fun making it even if sometimes we had trouble or lack of energies, but we hope people enjoyed it.

I just wanna say again, Thanks so much if you played our game, and if you havent go check it out!

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